Rabbits may be cute, but every gardener knows the havoc they wreak on unprotected garden beds.
Best of all, herbs are compact, making them perfectly suited for pots on your back patio, where they can be kept close to the kitchen.
Even with limited space, home-harvested produce is an achievable goal for almost every gardener.
Butterfly-friendly plants not only add beauty to your garden, they also nurture vital populations of pollinators.
Welcome to the first edition of “Frankly Speaking,” our monthly blog where we will offer timely tips, trustworthy advice, industry insights, and perhaps some light humor to our wonderful customers—all in a readable, interactive format.
To our wonderful Frank’s Fans, It’s been about a month since news of our re-launch at the Novi Home and Garden Show made headlines, starting with the Detroit Free Press on April 13 and followed soon after by 1290 WLBY radio in Ann Arbor and WXYZ-Channel 7 News in Detroit. Response to the news on social media and elsewhere has been AMAZING and HEARTWARMING!